Sanctuary of Artemis, sanctuary at Ephesus, presently in western Turkey, that was one of the Seven Marvels of the World. The extraordinary sanctuary was worked by Croesus, lord of Lydia, around 550 BCE and was remade subsequent to being singed by a psycho named Herostratus in 356 BCE. The Artemesium was renowned not just for its incredible size, more than 350 by 180 feet (around 110 by 55 meters), yet in addition for the wonderful show-stoppers that embellished it. The sanctuary was obliterated by attacking Goths in 262 CE and was never modified. Little remaining parts of the sanctuary (however there are many pieces, particularly of designed segments, in the English Gallery). Removal has uncovered hints of both Croesus’ and the fourth century sanctuary and of three prior more modest ones.
Duplicates make due of the renowned sculpture of Artemis, an un-Greek portrayal of a mummylike goddess, standing firmly forthright with her hands broadened outward. The first sculpture was made of gold, midnight, silver, and dark stone. The legs and hips were covered by a piece of clothing enhanced with reliefs of creatures and honey bees, and the highest point of the body was trimmed with many bosoms; her head was embellished with a high-pillared crown.