Most Runs in T20 Star India batsman Rohit Sharma right now holds the record for scoring most runs in the T20. Rohit Sharma tops the table with 4,231 runs as he has amassed in 159 T20 matches (151 innings) till date in the most brief arrangement of the game at global level. The India hitter has hammered 5 100 years and 32 fifties in the T20 and collected runs reliably at a sound normal of 32.05. Rohit Sharma is trailed by Babar Azam and the appealling Pakistan cricketer has scored 4,223 runs in 128 T20 matches and midpoints 39.83. Till date, a sum of 17 players have scored 2500 or more runs in the T20. The clinchers in the rundown contain players from India, Pakistan, Ireland, New Zealand, Britain, Australia, South Africa, Bangladesh and U.A.E..
Who is the player who scores the most Runs in t20?
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